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MD5 哈希校验:98F58D43143380DBCADB0D506CA1B1C5
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first one to reply
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We had deleted your post, that remained ur points.
don't make spam, thanks.
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craziest 发表于 2015-8-12 13:29
We had deleted your post, that remained ur points.
don't make spam, thanks.

I am sorry I didn't know it wasn't allowed can you send me a link where all the rules are or tell me at least how many post per day I can make
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banxxi 发表于 2015-8-12 15:19
I am sorry I didn't know it wasn't allowed can you send me a link where all the rules are or tell  ...

no limit on ur post.
just use your true feelings, and you can upload game sources to make money.
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craziest 发表于 2015-8-12 22:49
no limit on ur post.
just use your true feelings, and you can upload game sources to make money.

Thanks alot I really appreciate your help
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craziest 发表于 2015-8-12 22:49
no limit on ur post.
just use your true feelings, and you can upload game sources to make money.

last reply and sorry for so many replies in one post: am I allowed to talk english
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哟  英文貌似还不错的样子
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哟  英文貌似还不错的样子,感谢分享
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