imds 发表于 2020-12-8 16:41:56

《黑夜传说》VM one-click terminal + GM tool + detailed tutorial

本帖最后由 imds 于 2020-12-8 16:52 编辑

Size: 977mb


Virtual machine version setup tutorial

Double-click "CentOS 64-bit.vmx" to open the virtual machine.

Virtual network editor

Run Virtual Machine "I have moved the virtual machine.

Enter account password

Root all lowercase

Pass:_www.0dyx.cnwithout underline
(you can't see thepassword when you enter it. Just enter it and press Enter)


Successful start status

Install the APK and enter the game.

Client AndroidManifest.xml and


Tutorial to translate APK
Extract the apk (I use the Easy Tool APK for this).

...after extracting go to the following directory and look for the CSV.unity3d file
Open this file with the UnityEX program and extract everything. After extraction, you can edt all .txt files for your language.

Android client IP modification
Information and Video:

peihaolee 发表于 2021-2-15 21:33:22


端一个 发表于 2021-6-5 16:19:26


syq123 发表于 2021-10-12 17:10:50

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查看完整版本: 《黑夜传说》VM one-click terminal + GM tool + detailed tutorial